Skillet Quinoa with Broccoli, Spinach and Parmesan

Simple vegetarian meals are always excellent options for weekday after work cooking. This dish is a great addition since it only takes about 20 minutes to make with most of the time spent just waiting for the quinoa to cook. If you want to save additional time and make this dish in about 10 minutesContinue reading “Skillet Quinoa with Broccoli, Spinach and Parmesan”

Curried Cauliflower Wraps

I’m always on the lookout for an easy, quick and delicious vegan recipe and this one caught my attention a couple months ago when I found it on Pinterest.  It only takes about 20-30 minutes start to finish.  The only thing that takes some time is roasting the cauliflower in the oven for 20 minutes, butContinue reading “Curried Cauliflower Wraps”

Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash

I tend to think of squash in October when front porches are getting filled with pumpkins and gourds and comfort food permeates the desire to stay warm as the weather cools down from the summer heat. While that may be the case through the years, I’m starting to change the behavior each time I enjoyContinue reading “Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash”

Moroccan Roasted Vegetable Quinoa

If I’m being honest, this recipe is a bit “kitchen sink.” Meaning, I looked into the refrigerator wondering what to make with all the various vegetables I had after a stop this weekend at the La Canada Farmers Market and Whole Foods. I then took a look at my pantry to figure out which grain or beanContinue reading “Moroccan Roasted Vegetable Quinoa”

Mexican Vegetarian Rice Bake

Casseroles are a great way to make being a vegetarian more flavorful and interesting. Granted, I’m not a vegetarian.  However, we try to eat vegetarian or vegan for most of our dinners at home, doing about four or five a week without any meat.  What I like about casseroles is that they create flavor mealsContinue reading “Mexican Vegetarian Rice Bake”

Reviewing Six Meal Delivery Services Including Blue Apron, Plated, Sun Basket, Gobble, Green Chef and The Purple Carrot

A friend of mine posted on Facebook if any of her friends used services like Blue Apron. I had been considering it for sometime, but just never took the next step of committing to an order. With some renewed curiosity, I decided now was the time to look into a meal delivery service. What IContinue reading “Reviewing Six Meal Delivery Services Including Blue Apron, Plated, Sun Basket, Gobble, Green Chef and The Purple Carrot”

One-Pot Creamy Spinach and Lentils

Lentils are a personal favorite in my vegan and vegetarian cooking. I tend to save a lot of recipes that use them on my Pinterest Mostly Vegetarian board (you can follow me on Pinterest here.) A recent save is this lentil and spinach dish I made last week. It’s pretty easy to prepare and canContinue reading “One-Pot Creamy Spinach and Lentils”

Kale, Apple and Pine Nut Salad with Maple Vinaigrette

We are on vacation in Michigan enjoying not going out for every meal, so I’ve been making quick, easy vegetarian dishes that help us enjoy vacation even more.  Eating good, healthy food helps too.  This salad is a great example of something easy to make with just a few ingredients. This morning was the NorthportContinue reading “Kale, Apple and Pine Nut Salad with Maple Vinaigrette”

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